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Policy Address

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Policy Address
Traditional Chinese施政報告
Simplified Chinese施政报告
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyinshīzhèngbàogào
Yue: Cantonese
Jyutpingsi1 zing3 bou3 gou3
The 2013 Policy Address being debated in the Legislative Council
The 2013 Policy Address being announced by Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying

In Hong Kong, the Policy Address (Chinese: 施政報告) is the annual address by the chief executive of Hong Kong (governor prior to the territory's handover from the UK to China). The practice of giving annual Policy Addresses is mandated under Article 64 of the Basic Law, which requires the government to "present regular Policy Addresses to the [Legislative] Council".[1]

Chief Executive can decide in which month of the year to deliver the annual Policy Address. From 1997 to 2001, Tung Chee-hwa delivered Policy Addresses in October as the Legislative Council reconvened.[2] From 2002 to 2005, Tung changed the month of delivering Policy Addresses to January.[3] Donald Tsang delivered Policy Addresses in Octobers.[4] Leung Chun-ying delivered Policy Addresses in January.[5] Carrie Lam delivered Policy Addresses in October.[6] John Lee delivers Policy Addresses in October.[7]

Two weeks after the address, the chairman of the House Committee of the Legislative Council moves a Motion of Thanks, similar to Address in Reply motions in other legislatures, and members of the Council debate the Policy Address. Most people see the policy address as useful and a way of predicting how the Chief Executive will operate.[citation needed]

Historically, the annual address was first introduced in 1972 by Governor Sir Murray MacLehose during the British rule of Hong Kong. It was called the "Address by the Governor" and was modelled after the Queen's Address in the United Kingdom. It aimed to strengthen communications with Hong Kong residents after the 1967 Hong Kong riots.[8]

List of policy addresses

Year Given by English title Chinese title
2023 John Lee Ka-chiu A Vibrant Economy for a Caring Community 拼經濟謀發展 惠民生添幸福
2022 Charting a Brighter Tomorrow for Hong Kong 為市民謀幸福 為香港謀發展
2021 Carrie Lam Building a Bright Future Together 齊心同行 開創未來
2020 Striving Ahead with Renewed Perseverance 砥礪前行 重新出發
2019 Treasure Hong Kong: Our Home 珍惜香港 共建家園
2018 Striving Ahead; Rekindling Hope 堅定前行 燃點希望
2017 We Connect for Hope and Happiness 一起同行 擁抱希望 分享快樂
2017 Leung Chun-ying Make Best Use of Opportunities; Develop the Economy; Improve People’s Livelihood; Build an Inclusive Society 用好機遇 發展經濟 改善民生 和諧共融
2016 Innovate for the Economy; Improve Livelihood; Foster Harmony; Share Prosperity 創新經濟 改善民生 促進和諧 繁榮共享
2015 Uphold the Rule of Law; Seize the Opportunities; Make the Right Choices 重法治 掌機遇 作抉擇
2014 Support the Needy; Let Youth Flourish; Unleash Hong Kong's Potential 讓有需要的 得到支援 讓年青的 各展所長 讓香港 得以發揮
2013 Seek Change; Maintain Stability; Serve the People with Pragmatism 穩中求變 務實為民
2011–12 Donald Tsang From Strength to Strength 繼往開來
2010–11 Sharing Prosperity for a Caring Society 民心我心 同舟共濟 繁榮共享
2009–10 Breaking New Ground Together 羣策創新天
2008–09 Embracing New Challenges 迎接新挑戰
2007–08 A New Direction for Hong Kong 香港新方向
2006–07 Proactive; Pragmatic; Always People First 以民為本 務實進取
2005–06 Strong Governance For the People 強政勵治 福為民開
2005 Tung Chee-hwa Working Together for Economic Development and Social Harmony 合力發展經濟 共建和諧社會
2004 Seizing Opportunities for Development; Promoting People-based Governance 把握發展機遇 推動民本施政
2003 Capitalising on Our Advantages Revitalising Our Economy 善用香港優勢 共同振興經濟
2001 Building on our Strengths; Investing in our Future 鞏固實力 投資未來
2000 Serving the Community; Sharing Common Goals 以民為本 同心同德
1999 Quality People; Quality Home 培育優秀人才 建設美好家園
1998 From Adversity to Opportunity 羣策羣力 轉危為機
1997 Building Hong Kong For A New Era 共創香港新紀元
1996 Chris Patten Hong Kong: Transition 過渡中的香港
1995 Hong Kong: Our Work Together 同心協力建香港
1994 Hong Kong: A Thousand Days and Beyond 香港:掌握千日 跨越九七
1993 Hong Kong: Today's Success, Tomorrow's Challenges 香港:立基今日 開拓明天
1992 Our Next Five Years: The Agenda for Hong Kong 香港的未來:五年大計展新猷

There were no titles for the Policy Addresses before 1992.

See also



  1. ^ "Basic Law - Basic Law - Chapter IV (EN)". www.basiclaw.gov.hk. Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  2. ^ "1997 Policy Address". www.policyaddress.gov.hk. Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  3. ^ "policy address-archives". www.policyaddress.gov.hk. Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  4. ^ "政務司司長會見傳媒談話全文". Hong Kong Government. 2 August 2012.
  5. ^ "Policy Address available to public on Wednesday". www.info.gov.hk. Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  6. ^ "Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin". Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin. Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  7. ^ "CE to deliver Policy Address on Oct 16". chinadailyhk. Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  8. ^ 馮, 巧欣 (11 January 2016). 【01百科】6個關鍵詞 施政報告33年演化簡史 [【01 Encyclopaedia】 6 key terms and a simple history of the policy address' evolution over 33 years]. HK01.