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User:NathanHawking/Personal style sheet

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This personal style sheet reflects my preferences when options exist, and the Wikipedia style guides when they state a preferred practice--to the best of my knowledge.

Code Template

'''Title''' (from TheLanguage ''word'', meaning) refers to: 
* definition one;
* definition two.


== General ==

:Block quote goes here.—Name, ''The Title''

== See also ==

== External links ==

Page layout and guidelines




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Title (from TheLanguage word, meaning) refers to:

  • definition one;
  • definition two.


  • Titles: Capitalize only the first letter.
  • Contents: If the introduction is brief, force the table of contents using "__TOC__" padded with two blank lines above and two below.
  • Links: Use internal links like this one only for terms which relate to the article and dates. Don't overdo.
  • Emphasis: To refer to a word like word, use italics. Italics are also for minor emphasis. Emphasize more with bold letters. Avoid overuse of emphasis. Deemphasize by using small letters.


  • Mdashes use North American convention—like this—without spaces. (Using the "--" form is also acceptable.)
  • Periods go outside "scare quotes". (Sigh.)
  • "Periods in real quotes go inside (if the quote would end with a period)."
  • Commas follow the same rules for quotes as periods.
  • Commas are used in series like "We brought Betty, a cow, and a piano." Remove the last comma for readings which make Betty a cow, unless she is.


  • "Quotes within quotes 'use this' form."
  • Quoting short passages:
The introductory sentences:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth...—Author F. Name, The Title
  • Quoting longer passages begin each paragraph with quotation marks, and end the final paragraph with one.

See also

  • Use a bullet even if empty.

  • Use a bullet even if empty.