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User:Vera Cruz/About

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User:Vera Cruz



Personality type: INFJ

I am often mistaken for a INTP because I like science fiction and thus like science and because I try very hard not to argue with other Js.

Politican Affiliation


I am an anarchist, socialist, and communist. Wikipedia appears to classify me as a libertarian socialist. I believe that the United States is a totalitarian police state with a severe identity/indemnity crisis.



I am a classical pantheist and strongly endorse the ways of Buddhism and Shaolin Chess. I also believe that Judaism and Islam are superb religions and I hope to oneday travel to Mecca.

Geopolitical Beliefs


I believe that the Israeli government is to blame for the crisis there, resulting from what I argue to be an illegal seizure of Palestinian land. I believe that Israel must return to the borders defined in 1948.

I believe that the United States government is to blame for much of the world's problems. I am of the opinion that this government has, as did the Roman Empire and the British Empire, failed to seek goodwill, peace, and friendship.

Naturally, as do many of my comrades, I trace the failure of the US to it's economy, capitalism seems to be the primary problem of this world.

Artistic Beliefs


I am a fan of modern art (triangles and what not), punk/rap/techno combo musik, and pretty swirling patterns.

Scientific Beliefs


I believe that the US government, via it's military, is required to assist all people in re-designing the urban environment. I, along with others, would like to live in an subterranean city soas to conserve space on the surface.

I believe the military and it's associated beauracratic allies (ie: the military-industrial complex) must stand down and make way for a new era which focuses on education, with special emphasis on history, art, health care, biology, astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and solar power.

User:Vera Cruz