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I Have 3 suggestions for Decades Articles!


1. I'snt bad to remake the "Leaders" Sections, Just don't include more than 145 Leaders. Important Leaders don't Include JFK, Churchill, De Gaulle and Thatcher. For example Tage Erlander Prime Minister of Swedeen (1946-1969) and the political expresser of "Swedish Model", or Tassos Papadopoulos, President of Cyprus, in the period 2003-2008 known for the opposition in Annan Plan, is important too. 1/3. EditingIsMyHobby (talk) 10:25, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I Have 3 suggestions for Decades Articles! (2)


2. Through my research I realised that the lists "People" deal with theoritical personalities and people of spectacle.

Try to help me with a list of Scientists and Engineers from 1950s to 1990s. I'll make a first draft of a list with some names of Scientists and Engineers active in between the 50's and 60's with excelent contribution throughout this decade. The names are the following:


Alexander Grötending: (I don't know the spelling), German Mathematician, one of most influencial Mathematicians and awarded with Fields Medal in 1966 (1960s).

Alan Turing: In the last years of his life the British Mathematician made progress in fields of Artificial Inteligence and Mathematic Biology (1950s).

Physics and Astronomy

Stephen Hawking: Already from 23 years old the British Astrophysican was developing Theories like the "Hawking Radiation" (1960s)

Charles Towns: American Physican, inventor of Laser (1960s).


Stephanie Kwolek: American Chemist, known for the ivention of Kevlar (1960s).

Linus Pauling: American Chemist, Researcher and Professor: (1950s)

Frederic Sanger: British Chemist, known for progressies in Genetics (1950s).

Joseph Simmons, American Chemist, inventor of Teflon (1950s).

Alexander Todd: British Chemist, known for progressies in Biochemistry (1950s).

Biology and Biosciences

Rosalind Franklin American Chemist, Maurice Wikllins British Chemist, James Watson and Frances Cirk both British Biologists. All known for the discovery of DNA structure (1950s - 1960s).

Electronics and Computer Engineering

Mohamed Atalla, Egyptian Physican, Chemist and Electronic Engineer, inventor of MOSFET (1950s).

Walter Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley, American Physicans specialized in Electronics, known for invetion of Transitor (1950s).

George Devol, American Electric and Electronic Engineer, inventor of First Industrial Robot (1960s).

Jack Kilby, American Physican specialized in Electronics, Creatror of the First Intergated Circuit (1950s).

Consumer Electronics

Peter Goldmark, American Electrical Engineer and Inventor of NTSC Television System (1950s).

Pier Giorgio Perotto, Italian Electrical Engineer, Creator of Programma 101, one of the first cormmecial electronic calcucator (1960s).

Aerospace Engineering

Sergey Korolyev, Soviet Aerospace Engineer, Leader of Soviet Space Programs Sputnik and Venera (1950s - 1960s).

Werner von Braun, German Aerospace Engineer and Physican, Leader of Apollo American Space Program (1950s - 1960s).

Automotive Engineering

Spen King, British Automotive Engineer known for pionnering work in cars Like the Rover P6 (Referd in him era as one of

the most safest car), and the Range Rover. (1960s)

Rudolf Uhlenhaut, German - British Automotive Engineer, known for work in Mercedes - Benz, such the Racing W Seires of 1950s and 300SL (1950s - 1960s).

Felix Wankel, German Mechanical Engineer, inventor of Engine with rotating piston (1960s).

Medicine Christian Barnard, South - African Surgerist, responsible for the first sucssecful heart transplant (1960s).

Jonas Salk, American Medical Researcher, invented the Polio Vaccine (1950s).

Agriculture and Agronomy

Norman Borlog, American Agronomist, inventor of Borlog Variant of Wheat, Awared with Nobel Peace Prize.

3. Also the "Visual Artists" Sections need restore.

4. 2000s it's official retro, and in general "People Section" also need restore.

Please, let's make a discssution. EditingIsMyHobby (talk) 21:30, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

One more name.


Electronics and Computer Engineering

Seymour Cray, American Electrical Engineer and creator of some of most Signature Supercomputers. EditingIsMyHobby (talk) 08:22, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Last Part.


Automotive Engineering

Aurelio Lampredi, Italian Automotive Engineer, know for contributions in Racing Ferrari's in 1950s (1950s).


George Papanicolaou, Greek Medical Researcher, Invented the Breast Canser Test in 1920s, but recognised in 1950s (1950s). EditingIsMyHobby (talk) 09:45, 12 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I Forget this.



Richard Dole: American Pneymologogist, know for their researches in smoking. EditingIsMyHobby (talk) 13:32, 13 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]