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User:Gettingtoit/Press Coverage

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LA Times May 8


" The Conflict in Iraq; PIETY AND POWER; Shiite Muslims, a majority in Iraq who were oppressed under Saddam Hussein's rule, savor new religious freedom and political clout."

At the end of this very long 2800 word featured article, "Sources: Congressional Research Service, Center for History and New Media, understanding-islam.com, Times reporting, Wikipedia, CIA World Factbook"

Omaha World-Herald May 8


In an article about Kingdom of Heaven, a paragraph size recap of the crusades is provided citing only wikipedia as the source.

"Crusades chronicle

Here is a quick recap of the first four Crusades. There may have been as many as 16, though not all


conquered the Orthodox Christian city of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire Source: http://en.wikipedia.org"

The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) May 6


A blurb about the pros and cons of the ID argument citing Wikipedia as the only source:

Evolution debate

The thinking on intelligent design:

Pro: Intelligent design is a controversial set of arguments which assert that evidence supports the conclusion that life on Earth was deliberately designed by one or more intelligent agents. Advocates argue that the standard scientific model of evolution by natural selection is insufficient because Earth is too complex.

Con: Critics regard the theory as thinly disguised creationism. The most common response is to simply reject the claims of intelligent design as being scientifically illegitimate. The National Academy of Sciences calls it "pseudoscience."

Source: Wikipedia

Wyoming Tribune-Eagle May 8


Wikipedia cited in as a source in a lengthy featured article about old car restoration.

Kansas City Star May 4


According to www.wikipedia.org, "Many consider the books' versions of events to be definitive, because they are the final versions Adams produced (and also the most readily accessible)." Hitchhiker Guid article