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User:Andrew Adcock

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Age: 16
Gender: Male
Email Address: andyad88@hotmali.com
Location: Cosby, Leicester, England

Power sources


Now there are many power sources for example
Non-renewable fuels
Natural Gas
These Are the main non-renewable feuls
Renewable fuels
Hydro Power
Wind power
Solar power
These are the main renewable fuels sources

The facts


Now we all know that non-renewable fuels give great energy amount and are quite cost effective. But they have set backs like pollution and some of them give off harmful waste but the main problem is that they are going to run out. But still no-one choses to believe this
But what happens when all these fuels Run out what we will do then?
well at Andrew Adcock <design (just me) we know that today's renewable fuels aren't enough for this planet and the human need so i have came up with the answer to all these problem.
I have destroyed tomorrows problems today with the new MAG-GEN 2000
this piece of equitment can replace today's fuels needs and give you a greener tomorrow.

== The MAG-GEN 2000 ==

the MAG-GEN 2000 is a motor basically but it uses the magnetic fields to rotate a bar like a motor using a brush system. Due to this motor working on the princible on magnetism it is self-serficent (renewable) this motor is hooked up to a generator so while running it is tuning a generator which is creating power. this can be incorporated into any size but the designs have to stay the same. as this runs on magnetism it does not need large amounts of space to creat lots of power. So unlike the other renewable fuel sources it does not need a big housing like dams, acres of land and so on. Also as this is so self serficent it could keep rotating and producing power for as long as the materials last. So this make it very efficient. Also it is not a complicated power source so there would be no need to worry about mechanics and chief engineers working 24 hours aday making sure every thing works ok.