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My own contact with Pcpcpc


Note that my tone is sharp in the first post, which I hope is not the way I usually open communications. This is because Pcpcpc has been persistently and outrageously rude to Giano, who took a wikibreak as a result.

The following is a narrative posted to User:Radiant! on March 3, 2005.

Hi, Radiant!. I'm having some difficulty believing my eyes, they're kind of bugging out. Pcpcpc has just put my username up, in public, on his talk page, on what he calls his "ignore list", as being somebody who "engages in repeated personal attacks." Along with yours and Giano's—I'm not saying that listing you guys is any less heinous, but at least he's engaged in a current conflict with the two of you, which makes some kind of sense ... whereas the last time I spoke with the guy was on January 12! This is actually amazing, I'm feeling distinctly unnerved. It's like I'm never going to be shut of this guy and his hate.

In case you'd like to see my "personal attacks" against Pcpcpc, here they are in full. Three posts.

Me on December 31

Pcpcpc's reply

Me a little later the same day

Pcpcpc:s reply

Me on January 12

Pcpcpc's reply

That's it! That's the whole thing, I haven't spoken to him since. (At least, I'm pretty sure that's the whole thing, but hey, it was two months ago, I could have missed out something.) I've been determined, up to now, to simply have no more contact with this rebarbative user, but this...! I'm on an "ignore list", as if I'd been persistently flooding his talk page? With "personal attacks", yet? Apparently it's made no difference that I've been keeping quiet for two months and merely lived with the hate that Pcpcpc flings around so recklessly (he speaks of me and Giano to other users, strangers to both him and us, with extraordiniary venom, at the drop of a hat, with the most tenuous relevance), apparently without any notion that there are actual people behind "Giano" and "Bishonen": if you prick us, do we not bleed? Wikipedia has just become too unpleasant for me, and I've changed my mind about pacifism. Not that I'm planning any initiative—I know what RFCs and RFArs do to a person's peace of mind, and am still hoping one can be avoided—but if you should decide to do an RFC or similar, I'm in.
Perhaps you'll think it strange, incidentally, that the actual History of Pcpcpc's Talk page before February 12 is now at an archive, but that's the way it is. It's an effect that can be achieved quite simply by first moving the Talk page itself to being called "Archive", then editing the automatically created redirect into being again the Talk page: voilà, you have a fresh start, nobody can trace the way you've been acting before February 12, or not without being very curious and persistent. Best wishes,--Bishonen | Talk 21:03, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC). P. S. I just saw that Giano has now removed the "Ignore list". That's Giano, not Pcpcpc.

Oddly enough, a kind of resolution of my dealings with Pcpcpc can be found in an archive of User talk:Worldtraveller, here (keep on reading the section that begins with this diff), where I explode after several months of taking his abuse without replying to it. Giano had some further contact with him, but I didn't have the heart for recording it. Diffs to his twisty, constantly deleted, and redirected (!) Talk page are now almost impossible to locate.

Pcpcpc and other people


The following narrative ends on February 11, 2005; there was more to it, but again, I didn't have the heart for going on.

31 december:

A rebarbative general welcome to visitors (there have been many varieties of those, both on the userpage and the talk page) at Talk:Pcpcpc, plus a brief exchange between him and me: [1] , with my reply[2] and his reply [3]

2 January:

A user complains about Pcpcpc's talk page deletion practices: [4] And is promptly deleted without comment! [5]

In apparent response, however, after deleting the complaint, Pcpcpc posts his bitterest general greeting to date, which expresses his feeling of having received "hassle from a bunch of insiders from the start" (from later comments he's made, it's clear that I'm one of the worst of these insiders) and of being the champion of the hundreds of thousands of ordinary, non-editing readers against the insiders: [6]

11 January

A user writes a polite, pleasant query to Pcpcpc, but he's made a mistake! He ascribes an edit to Pcpcpc that was made by someone else! [7] And very properly gets his head bitten off for it: [8]

12 January:

Philip comments bitterly on how he has to do other people's work, and I write to him about how we're all volunteers: [9] In reply, Pcpcpc wonders how many people I have driven away from Wikipedia: [10]

14 January:

Netoholic initiates a discussion of categories, and is told he's denigrating Pcpcpc's categorization scheme [11]. Netoholic politely denies intention to denigrate, and asks where the categorization scheme is described [12]. Netoholic is asked in return what on earth he means, and is told he's attacking Pcpcpc: [13] and trying to vandalise his efforts [14]. Netoholic asks him not to use such words, and expresses a wish to discuss the scheme, asking again where he can find it described. [15], And elaborates, still politely, on the problems he sees with it, asking that they discuss them calmly [16]. Pcpcpc asks him, not calmly, to "quit trying to undermine my efforts": "all you have done is used up time which I could have spent improving Wikipedia" [17]. It is noticable in this discussion that Netoholic tries to discuss specifics of categorization, while Pcpcpc responds repeatedly by telling Netoholic he obviously doesn't "like" categories and should therefore just ignore them.

10 February:

Pcpcpc goes into crusade mode at a suggestion from Mav: [18]. Without any reply from Mav, Pcpcpc rapidly edits his own post, as is his custom, evolving it into another "insider" attack: [19].

11 February:

Jerzy writes to Pcpcpc about categories, and receives a reply which Pcpcpc again rapidly self-edits towards sneering and self-pity: [20]. Unaware of Pcpcpc's preoccupation with "insiders" (as nothing stays on the talk page for long), Jerzy now takes him to task for rudeness to Mav, saying all the wrong things: [21]. Pcpcpc responds by accusing him of "bursting in with a torrent of insider arrogance" and "exhibiting some of the worst and most damaging attributes of the cliquist", and self-edits to ask how Jerzy proposes to damage his future on Wikipedia [22] !. Self-edits some more: [23]—I'm only picking out a few in a string of those—here the reply to Jerzy has evolved to where it contains a reference to me: [24], at least I think it's me, although the assumption that I'm an admin is incorrect, and his self-description that he "asked to be shown some toleration as a newbie" is rich, but I still think it refers to an exchange I had with him.